Tips for a Safe and Spooky Halloween - A-MAX Auto Insurance - Seguros de Auto y Casa - 1-800-921-AMAX (2629)

Tips for a Safe and Spooky Halloween

Halloween is one of America’s favorite holidays, but it is also one of the most dangerous days of the year for child pedestrians. Let’s save the tricks and treats for later and focus on these tips for a safe and spooky Halloween.

There are monsters in the dark!

When trick or treating, always make sure to only walk in well-lit areas where you can be seen. Avoid taking short cuts by dark alleys or in unpaved roads. You never know what lurks in the darkest areas.

Always travel with your wolf pack.

Embrace your inner werewolf and be safer in numbers. Don’t go out alone and make sure to know the whereabouts of your pack.

The ghouls come out at night.

When driving in residential areas, make sure to slow down and increase your attentiveness to the road (especially when turning at an intersection). There may be little ghouls traveling on the streets looking for treats who may not think to look twice before crossing the road.

Don’t blend in with the Invisible Man.

Wear reflective gear or add it onto your costume. This will increase visibility and help you immediately be seen by any oncoming vehicles.

Beware of rotten apples!

Before eating any treats, an adult must first examine all of the candy. Avoid eating homemade treats unless it has been given a green light by an adult. Make sure to report all goods that you suspect may have any tampering to the local authorities for further investigation.

When there’s something strange in your neighborhood… who you gonna call?

As much as we would like the answer to be GHOSTBUSTERS, it would be a better idea to contact your local authorities. If you see something strange, report it. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Make sure all the little monsters are safe this Halloween! Your friends at A-MAX Auto Insurance want to remind you to be vigilant on this day to have a night filled with spooktacular fun!

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