Respect Matters - A-MAX Auto Insurance - Seguros de Auto y Casa - 1-800-921-AMAX (2629)

Respect Matters

The MAXRespect Initiative is a long-term pledge to reinforce our respect towards our clients, and surrounding communities. The Initiative was developed from our passion to give back by aiding in raising awareness about respect for each other and the environment. Our MAXRespect philosophy statement, shown below, truly captures the pure essence of who our customers are, how they work hard for themselves and their families, and how they inspire us to pass on respect to others.


“We completely understand our customers. They are the men and women who are building America. They are the hard workers, the people who give their all to care for their families and their communities. These are the Good Samaritans who earn respect 40+ hours a week at a time. At A-MAX, we continue to pass forward this philosophy created by our customers.”

Respect for Drivers

A-MAX believes everyone on the road needs to treat one another with respect and intends to educate the community on recognizing and controlling aggressive thoughts, feelings, and actions on the road.

Respect for Workers

A-MAX recognizes the enormous contributions of the men and women that are building the infrastructure of America, but are often unrecognized for their efforts.

Respect for Families

A-MAX values healthy and happy family environments that are free of abuse, and intends to empower community members to stop abuse and support victims in accessing information and services to help them.

Respect for Students

A-MAX aims to stop bullying in our schools by training students and staff to prevent and address bullying problems in schools.

Respect for Environment

A-MAX recognizes the value in our outdoor space, and wants to promote clean air and parks, and the responsibility of every community member to care for the environment.

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